PRIA: FAA Enforcement Actions And Your Aviation Career

Did you ever fall off your bike as a child and scrape your knee? If so, what did your mom do when she saw your “boo boo?” Did she pull out the Morton salt and pour it on the raw flesh? If she did, we’re sorry to hear that…but, if your mom is anything like […]

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FAA Ramp Checks: A Survival Guide

You’ve landed, taxied to the ramp, and are tying your Cessna 172 down for the night. But who is that guy walking across the ramp toward your plane…oh no, it’s the FAA! When you see the badge clipped to his shirt that says “FAA” in big letters, you’ll probably want to climb into the baggage […]

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FAA Letter of Investigation …The FAA’s Secret Weapon

Nothing can ruin your day quite like receiving a dreaded FAA letter of investigation in the mail. If handled improperly, the FAA letter of investigation could lead to an enforcement action and possibly threaten your livelihood or FAA certificated privileges. Understanding why you received your letter of investigation and what you should do in response […]

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