The Ison Law Firm predominately focuses on aeromedical representation for individuals seeking medical certification with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Regardless of whether your application for airman medical certification (FAA Form 8500-8) has been deferred by your Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) or denied by the FAA, we routinely provide advocacy services for individuals at any stage of the medical application process.
While the medical standards for an airman depend upon whether the airman is seeking a first (1st), second (2nd), or third (3rd) class medical certificate, you should know that you are not out of options if your medical certificate is deferred or denied. We strive to exhaust every available remedy for our clients in their quest to obtain medical certification.
We frequently advocate on behalf of individuals who may require an amendment to past FAA Form 8500-8 applications for airman medical certificate, have aeromedical concerns due to a deferred application or disqualifying medical condition, need to report and disclose recent or past DUI arrests/convictions to the FAA, or have a pending Hotline Complaint.
The Ison Law firm provides worldwide aeromedical advocacy and representation for individuals and airmen seeking to fight for their eligibility for aeromedical certification with the FAA. If you have a disqualifying medical condition or had your application deferred or denied, contact our team from The Ison Law Firm Aviation Lawyers today at 855-322-1215 for a confidential consultation to discuss your options!