It is possible to become a pilot if you have ADHD. However, you will benefit from working with an experienced aviation attorney. There are several things to consider when applying for your FAA medical certification if you have ever been diagnosed with ADHD, even as a child.
ADHD Is a Common Misdiagnosis in Children
ADHD is the abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause a person to experience impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 7 million children in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD. Unfortunately, some children are misdiagnosed.
However, if you have ever been diagnosed with ADHD, you must report the diagnosis when you apply for an airman medical certification. Therefore, even if you were misdiagnosed with ADHD as a child, you must report it. An aviation attorney can help you deal with the matter proactively instead of waiting to see if your medical certification is deferred or denied.
The FAA Process for Medical Certification for Pilots With ADHD
The FAA offers two options for pilots with ADHD to obtain a medical certification: the FAA ADHD Fast Track and the FAA Standard Track.
FAA ADHD Fast Track
The FAA Fast Track can limit neuropsychological testing for some pilots who have a history of ADHD or are taking ADHD medications. However, only a few pilots meet the specific criteria for using the fast-track process.
The criteria a pilot must meet to use the FAA ADHD Fast Track includes:
- The pilot has not had any treatment or used ADHD medication within the last four years;
- The pilot has not experienced any ADHD symptoms within the last four years;
- The pilot has not experienced instability in occupational, academic, or social functioning within the last four years; and,
- The pilot has not had any other psychiatric conditions or diagnoses.
If you meet the criteria for the FAA ADHD Fast Track, an AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) reviews your medical records, a clinical summary report from an evaluating neuropsychologist or psychologist, and an ADHD summary completed by a licensed neuropsychologist or psychologist. If all other criteria for medical certifications are met, the FAA may issue the pilot their certificate without any further neuropsychological evaluation.
A common issue is prior psychological conditions. Many children diagnosed with ADHD have other co-occurring conditions. These conditions could mean the pilot is not qualified for the FAA ADHD Fast Track. Instead, they must go through the standard ADHD track to obtain their medical certification to fly.
FAA Standard Track
Pilots with ADHD can receive a medical certification. However, they must go through a detailed ADHD evaluation if they do not qualify for the fast track. The standard track is very time-consuming and intensive.
According to the FAA, the ADHD standard track requires the pilot to complete an initial battery of ADHD tests performed in person by a HIMS neuropsychologist.
You must take the initial battery of ADHD tests if any of the following apply:
- You have had ADHD treatment, symptoms, or instability within the last four years
- You have taken ADHD medication within the last four years
- The AME, neuropsychologist, or psychologist have concerns
- You have a history or are currently diagnosed with other psychiatric conditions
- A clear determination cannot be reached after an ADHD Fast Track application
- The FAA requests the testing
It is important to note that if you are being tested, you must discontinue your ADHD medications for at least 90 days prior to testing. Pilots should consult their physicians before stopping any medications. If you decide with your doctor’s advice to discontinue the ADHD medication, your doctor needs to note in your records the date you stopped taking them.
Should I Hire an Aviation Attorney If I Have ADHD and Want to Apply for an FAA Medical Certification?
The process to obtain an FAA medical certification with ADHD can be time-consuming and difficult. Without a clear understanding of the FAA’s policies and procedures, you may make mistakes that could result in an FAA medical denial for ADHD.An experienced aviation lawyer understands the current requirements for FAA medical certification. They also know what steps you can take to improve your chance of receiving an FAA medical certificate with ADHD. Your attorney can develop a strategy to address problems and issues that could prevent you from receiving your medical certification to fly.
Contact the Aviation Lawyers from The Ison Law Firm Aviation Lawyers for Help Today
You need both a pilot and a lawyer on your side for your aviation law needs. Don’t hesitate to contact our team from The Ison Law Firm Aviation Lawyers to schedule a confidential consultation with an experienced aviation lawyer today.
We’re pilots representing pilots. The Ison Law Firm Aviation Lawyers offers FAA enforcement defense and medical certification representation worldwide!
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