Fighting the FAA on an Intentional Falsification Charge

FAA Medical with Past Anxiety

Pilots with even a mild case of anxiety should proceed with caution when dealing with the FAA. The big bad FAA can be sneaky with their set of questions. In fact, they could be setting you up for a trap. How do you avoid these potholes set up by the FAA? There is no...

Fighting the FAA on an Intentional Falsification Charge

FAA Medical Denial for ADHD

ADHD or ADD when a pilot was a child can still impact them today.  A prescription of Adderall or Ritalin in school to cope with it is catching up to them. Can you still get your medical certificate if you had ADD or ADHD? Yes, and no.  There are actually two types of...

Your FAA Medical Denial

Pilots go through vigorous training just to get their license.  You have to obtain flight hours, pass written tests, pass practical tests, and finally maintain a valid medical certificate. And all this effort can go to waste if the FAA denies your medical certificate....