FAA Medical Certificate with Diabetes

Can you get a FAA medical certificate with diabetes? It is possible to get a FAA medical certificate with diabetes if you can meet the FAA’s nuanced requirements for demonstrating stability and control. If you have diabetes, the FAA will require that you establish your eligibility to be issued a FAA medical certificate first, but […]

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FAA Medical Certificate with Pre-Diabetes

It is possible to obtain a FAA medical certificate with pre-diabetes. The good news is that if you have appropriate documentation in place prior to submitting your FAA medical application, your Aviation Medical Examiner (“AME”) does not have to defer your medical application to the FAA for further review. Instead, pre-diabetes is a condition that […]

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FAA Medical Certificate Denied for Substance Dependence: Part 1: Criteria for “Dependence”

Has your FAA medical certificate been denied for “substance dependence?” The first thing to know is that the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) has a different definition of “substance dependence” than does the rest of the medical community. Specifically, the medical community typically evaluates whether an individual has a “substance use disorder” by determining whether that […]

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DUI and the FAA: What Should I Do?

Navigating the treacherous terrain of a DUI and the FAA can be tough. Did you know that you could have your airmen certificate suspended or revoked for certain offenses related to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Beyond that, the FAA can deny an application for any certificate, rating, or authorization in response […]

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Do I Need A Pilot’s License to Get a Section 333 Exemption?

The first question most people seem to have about getting a Section 333 Exemption, is “do I need a pilot’s license to get a Section 333 Exemption?” This is an especially good question for people that want to use their drone for things like photography, real estate surveillance, agriculture, and filmmaking, because these folks typically […]

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