Has the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently denied your application for airman medical certification due to an allegedly disqualifying medical condition or medical history? While we understand the frustration and disappointment accompanying a denial letter from the FAA when applying for a medical certificate, we frequently provide representation and advocacy services to applicants denied medical certification with the FAA.
While the FAA may not find an applicant eligible for unrestricted first (1st), second (2nd), or third (3rd) class medical certification, there is always a possibility that the FAA may provide the applicant with an Authorization for Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate (commonly referred to as a Special Issuance). In these situations, the applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Federal Air Surgeon that the duties authorized by the class of medical certificate applied for can be performed without endangering public safety for the validity period of the Special Issuance.
In other words, a Special Issuance allows you to exercise the privileges of either a first (1st), second (2nd), or third (3rd) class medical certificate for the duration of the Special Issuance. Once the Special Issuance expires, the airman must again show to the satisfaction of the Federal Air Surgeon that the duties authorized by the class of medical certificate applied for can be performed without endangering public safety in order to obtain a new airman medical certificate/Authorization under 14 C.F.R. § 67.401.
Unsurprisingly, obtaining a Special Issuance from the FAA can be a cumbersome process without assistance from a knowledgeable legal advocate. Frequently, we provide services to applicants seeking a Special Issuance by gathering medical or legal documentation, liaising with appropriate medical providers for the applicant or FAA personnel, recommending and coordinating necessary medical evaluations to support FAA aeromedical eligibility, as well as a variety of other services.
If you have been denied eligibility for medical certification with the FAA, do not despair. Contact our team from The Ison Law Firm Aviation Lawyers today at 855-322-1215 to discuss your options for obtaining a Special Issuance.