Aviation Accident/Airline and Airport Liability

If you or your family member is the victim of an aircraft accident, it is important to have an attorney on your side that understands the intricacies of aviation. When litigating complex aviation issues, you should not have to worry about your attorney’s ability to understand the most basic elements of aerodynamics, aircraft engineering and design, piloting, and/or aircraft maintenance. The Pilot Lawyer at The Ison Law Firm has years of piloting experience in both airplanes and helicopters, which gives your aviation attorney at The Ison Law Firm an advantage in analyzing facts and developing an aviation-minded strategy for your case.
The Ison Law Firm handles all aviation related accidents, including general aviation, charter flight, and airline disasters. Beyond aviation crashes, however, The Ison Law Firm handles all injuries that may result when traveling with an airline. For instance, such cases include but are not limited to injuries sustained from hard landings, flight attendant negligence, poorly stowed baggage, manufacturer design, and corporate negligence. Your aviation attorney at The Ison Law Firm can help you with airline related injuries occurring on all international and domestic flights.
If your accident occurs inside a Florida airport, The Ison Law Firm can help, as well! Airports, just like any other business, are liable for injuries occurring as a result of negligent upkeep. Injuries can occur while in an airport due to:

Wet or slippery floors

Baggage left in walkways

Unsafe conditions inside jet bridges

Elevator and escalator hazards

Hazardous material exposure

Broken or unmarked stairs

Dog bites

Improper lighting

Dangerously stacked store products

Inadequate security resulting in an injury from a criminal act

Sidewalks that are broken or cracked


If you are the victim of an aviation accident or injury arising out of airline or airport negligence, call your Florida aviation attorney at The Ison Law Firm. We are standing by to vector you through legal turbulence.